Ola everyone!! :D
Ok mlm ni x nak ckp pasal episod sedih lagi.. but mlm ni nk cite sikit bab attitude atau dlm erti kata lain perangai :) heeee.. seperti yang kita tau.. first impression is the most important thing ever kan? Macam tu la jugak kejadian yg tejadi mlm smlm..... hehehe... okeh mlm ni nk cerita sikit la pasal apa itu attitude...
Mari kita lihat definasi untuk attitude :-
Predisposition or a tendency to respond positively or negatively towards a certain idea, object, person, or situation. Attitude influences an individual's choice of action, and responses to challenges, incentives, and rewards (together called stimuli). Four major components of attitude are:
(1) Affective: emotions or feelings.
(3) Conative: inclination for action.
(4) Evaluative: positive or negative response to stimuli.
Or in other word yang panjang berjela is…..
Attitude, in social psychology, a cognition, often with some degree of aversion or attraction (emotional valence), that reflects the classification and evaluation of objects and events. While attitudes logically are hypothetical constructs (i.e., they are inferred but not objectively observable), they are manifested in conscious experience, verbal reports, overt behaviour, and physiological indicators.
The concept of attitude arises from attempts to account for observed regularities in the behaviour of individual persons. For example, one tends to group others into common classes (i.e., all of the people in this room are wearing basketball uniforms). One also classifies objects such as paintings or events such as battles.
The quality of one’s attitudes is judged from the observable, evaluative responses that are made. While one might consult one’s inner experiences as evidence of one’s own attitudes, only public behaviour can receive objective study. For this reason investigators rely heavily on behavioral indexes of attitudes—e.g., on what people say, on how they respond to questionnaires, or on such physiological signs as changes in heart rate. (Haaa this one is more what we usually see la kan... from our first impression to people on how they talk, stand, walk, dress or what ever.. soo if you really want people 2 respect you pls mind your manners cuz first impression is the most important thing in life..)
ok now kita tgk yg lenlain....
Attitudes are sometimes regarded as underlying predispositions, while opinions are seen as their overt manifestations. A rarer distinction equates attitudes with unconscious and irrational tendencies but equates opinions with conscious and rational activities. Others view attitudes as meaningful and central but consider opinions as more peripheral and inconsequential. A still more popular distinction likens attitudes to matters of taste (e.g., preferences for a certain cuisine or type of music) and opinions to questions of fact (e.g., whether public transportation should be subsidized). (See also taste, criticism, and judgment in aesthetics.)
Some authorities make a critical distinction between attitudes and a number of other related terms. These can be arranged in a hierarchy based on their degree of specificity or exclusiveness. “Values” are said to represent very broad tendencies of this type, “interests” being slightly less inclusive, and “sentiments” narrower still; “attitudes” are viewed as still more narrow predispositions, with “beliefs” and “opinions” being progressively the most specific members of this hierarchy. According to this terminology the difference is one of degree rather than of kind.
The study of attitude change—that is, the processes by which people acquire new attitudes—has been a major focus of social psychological research since the mid-20th century, and work in this field has led to theoretical developments (e.g., cognitive dissonance) and practical applications (e.g., in politics and advertising).
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Hahaha... sekarang sudah paham? Apa itu attitude :D maka dgn itu moh ler kita tgk diri kita nilai sesama sendiri attitude apa yg ada dlm diri kita so that we can judge our own self :D hehehe.. ok lah aku pon dah start masuk mode writes block maka dgn itu aku tamatkan sahaja lah kejadian2 yang berlaku semalam :D
Wassalam :)